What it Means to Be Secure by Design and Secure by Default
Every technology provider must take ownership at the executive level to ensure their products are both secure by design and secure by default.
What is Secure by Design?
Secure by Design products are those where the security of the customers is a core business requirement, not just a technical feature. Secure by Design principles should be implemented during the design phase of a product’s development lifecycle to dramatically reduce the number of exploitable flaws before they are introduced to the market for broad use or consumption.
What is Secure by Default?
Secure by Default products are those that are secure to use out of the box, with little to no configuration changes and are available at no additional cost, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), gather and log evidence of potential intrusions, and control access to sensitive information.
This first-of-its-kind joint guidance urges manufacturers to take urgent steps necessary to ship products that are secure-by-design and -default. In addition to specific technical recommendations, this guidance outlines several core principles to guide software manufacturers in building software security into their design processes prior to developing, configuring, and shipping their products.
Many private sector partners have made invaluable contributions toward advancing security-by-design and security-by-default. With this joint guide, the authoring agencies seek to progress an international conversation about key priorities, investments, and decisions necessary to achieve a future where technology is safe, secure, and resilient by design and default.
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IISF Secretary:
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David Cahill
Information Security
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