
Irish Information Security Forum

Security Hot Topic Predictions 2023

26th January 2023


IISF Events kicked off to a full room with our first Chapter Meeting of the year featuring a series of short presentations, expert predictions and commentary on key cybersecurity focus points and topics and  that will be important in the coming months. 


Conor O'Leary - Sophos

cybersecurity market moving from products to services
"Why is the Cyber Security Market moving from products to services"


Jake Mongston Egress
egress, Jake Mongstonv - cybersecurity Training

"Cybersecurity Prediction – Cybersecurity training will need to evolve to be effective"


Hugh McGuaran - Armis

Operational Resilience starts with Asset Visibility

"Operational Resilience starts with Asset Visibility "


Alex Cooney - CyberSafeKids

Growing up in a digital world

"Growing up in a Digital World: implications, opportunities and challenges"

 Conor Flannery - Cytidel

Cytidel modernising vulnerability management

"Modernising Vulnerability Management"



Copies of presentations and some additional resources will be made available in your members area shortly




If you are interested in finding out more about the IISF, or would like to attend one of our Chapter Meetings as an invited guest, please contact the
IISF Secretary:

By email:

By post:

David Cahill

Information Security

GPO, 1-117
D01 F5P2

Enhance your Cybersecurity knowledge and learn from those at the coalface of information Security in Ireland



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