
Irish Information Security Forum

Ireland mulls closer NATO hybrid and cyber co-operation

Source: Irish Times


The Government is considering closer co-operation with NATO in the area of hybrid and cyber warfare.


Officials are considering joining the Helsinki-based European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats, which operates under the auspices of NATOand the European Union.

hybrid coe logo


The centre is dedicated to devising methods of countering hybrid threats, typically defined as aggression which falls below the threshold of military operations. These can include the use of disinformation, cyberattacks and economic warfare to destabilise an enemy state. Russia has frequently engaged in these activities against Ukraine and other European nations in recent months.

The centre engages in training, war-games and research in the area of hybrid warfare for the benefit of its 31 member states. Ireland declined to join when it was initially established in 2017 and joining now would be the latest move to form closer ties to NATO, particularly around cyber defence.

The Government recently opted to join NATO’s Malware Information Sharing Platform, which allows for the sharing of details of cyberattacks in real time between member states. In 2019, Ireland joined the NATO Co-operative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence in Tallinn, Estonia, to which a small number of Irish personnel are seconded.

These are in addition to Ireland’s membership since 1999 of NATO’s Partnership for Peace programme, which aims to improve interoperability between the Defence Forces and NATO militaries.

Read the full article

Ireland considering closer NATO co-operation in hybrid and cyber spheres




What is the Hybrid CoE?


hybrid coe logo

Hybrid CoE is an international, autonomous network-based organization promoting a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach to countering hybrid threats.

Participation in the Centre’s activities is open to all EU and NATO countries, and the number of Participating States has grown to include 31 states today.

Hybrid CoE’s mission is to strengthen its Participating States’ and organizations’ security by providing expertise and training for countering hybrid threats.

The Centre’s vision is a world in which our open, democratic societies operate
free of hostile outside interference.

Hybrid coe website




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