
Irish Information Security Forum

Cybersecurity Services Required

Source: irl.eu-supply.com


hse logoIreland's Health Service Executive (HSE) publishes Request For Tender' s for the Provision of Cybersecurity services

Health Service Executive (HSE), Head Office, Millennium Park, Naas, Ireland
Contact: Peter Mc Gowan, http://www.hse.ie 


239225 - 21237 - Unified Cyber Incident Response Service

Publication date: 25-04-2023
Response deadline: 18-05-2023 00:00 Irish time

Unified cyber incident response management capability for the HSE service wide, covering multiple security service providers and technologies within eHealth. The service required has three main components: • Unified Cyber Incident Response – 24/7 service leading out on all cyber security incidents in the HSE • Anti-malware alerts monitoring and response (Outside office hours only) • Dark web monitoring and takedown service

Buyer: Health Service Executive (HSE)


239606 - 21236 - Managed Threat Detection and Response

Publication date: 25-04-2023
Response deadline: 18-05-2023 23:00 Irish time

Managed Endpoint detection and response (EDR) & Network Detection and response (NDR) service for HSE Endpoints and On-prem network. The service required has three main components: • Fully managed Endpoint detection and response (EDR) service covering agent deployment and support • Fully managed Network detection and response (NDR) service covering sensor deployment and support • Incident Response Hotline for facilitating rapid cyber incident response Key Requirements: o 24/7 local coverage (EU based) o Fully managed endpoint detection and response service o Fully managed network detection and response service o Management of the underlying deployment, technology and platforms o Provide and integrated web platform (Endpoints and network)for detection and response o Provide integrated, real-time and actionable threat intelligence to enable detection and response o Must be a Human-led response capability o Must commit to 15 minutes MTTD (Mean time to detect) and 30 minutes MTTR (Mean time to respond) o Single party contract, no more than one third-party partnership o Provide IR Hotline for rapid response support
Buyer: Health Service Executive (HSE)



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