This Digital Health Strategic Implementation Roadmap is aligned to and builds upon the Department of Health (DoH) Digital for Care – A Digital Health Framework for Ireland (the Framework). The Roadmap supports the collective ambition set out in the DoH Framework, the Sláintecare action Roadmap1 and the Department of the Taoiseach Harnessing Digital – The Digital Ireland Framework
The Roadmap advances key Sláintecare Initiatives such as progressing digital records in the community (e.g., the Integrated Community Case Management System programme (ICCMS)), the National Shared Care Record programme (NCSR) and the development of a Roadmap and investment case for Electronic Health Record (EHR) deployment.
Integrated care is core to the Sláintecare strategy and dependent on connected data flow to allow the delivery of the right care, in the right place, at the right time, by the right team. The Framework and the Roadmap together describe the aims, ambitions, Principles, and future Roadmap for Digital Health in Ireland from year 1 to year 7.
Extensive consultation across the health system as well as collaboration with the DoH, has informed the development of this Roadmap. In addition, experience from other countries, developments in digital health technologies and the wider technology
sector, and policy drivers nationally and across the European Union has helped to further refine the Roadmap. Engagement
and consultation have been undertaken across all elements of health care services and has included consideration of the
evolving regional areas.
Patient and clinical demand for the adoption of digital health accelerated in response to Covid-19 resulted in a sustained
increase in the use of telemedicine, remote care programmes and electronic transfer of prescriptions. The momentum during the Covid-19 pandemic has informed the Roadmap, including the positive impact digital health and access to data played in informing our response, and the 2021 ransomware and cyber attack on the HSE, which led to a decision to switch off all HSE IT systems.
The health and social care system faces growing challenges from increased demand for connected health and social care
services, to patients with complex and multi-faceted health and social care needs and other significant challenges such as a
growing population, an ageing population, and staffing challenges. The learnings we have from responding to the Covid-19
pandemic and the cyber attack, are driving the need to develop robust health information systems and create a strong
foundation to transform and expand digital health.
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