Data Protection Fundamentals
This introductory-level programme will help you ensure your teams can identify and are compliant with their data protection tasks under the relevant data protections acts. This course is also relevant to UK laws post Brexit. At the end of this course the delegate will be better aware of the need for data protection, understand the data protection laws and how they can be interpreted and apply to your business environment.
What is Data Protection? – Background & Development
- Privacy development as a human right
- Data protection development as a human right (somewhat close to privacy, but a separate & distinct right).
- How & when did data protection begin, and how has it since developed? (For example, the first national data protection law was in Germany in 1970; the first international law was Convention 108 of the Council of Europe in 1981. And the current main EU data protection law is the GDPR.)
Key GDPR definitions – the actual meanings of which are too often misunderstood, e.g.:
- Personal Data
- Processing
- Data Subject
- Controller
- Processor
- Data Breach
Obligations of Data Controllers and Data Processors – what are their duties? In particular the GDPR Article 5 principles:
- Lawfulness, Fairness and Transparency
- Purpose Limitation
- Data Minimisation
- Accuracy
- Storage Limitation
- Integrity and Confidentiality
Rights of individuals – primarily:
- Accessing Data
- Rectification of Data
- Erasure of Data (“right to be forgotten”)
- Restriction of Processing
- Data Portability
- Right to Object
- Right to Complain
- Right to Compensation
Enforcement of the GDPR and other Data Protection laws
- Supervisory Authorities (e.g., Ireland’s Data Protection Commission)
- Their tasks and authorities to investigate and enforce data protection
Who could attend?
- Financial services sales and administration
- Frontline staff
- Customer support and call centre teams
- Human resources staff
- Legal secretaries
- Health sector administration staff
- Frontline staff
- Accounts personnel
- Line managers in admin, sales, marketing and HR
- IT professionals
- Document management staff
Times/Days: 9:30am – 1pm on two consequetive days
Course Costs: List price is €425 per attendee, but the IISF have secured a rate of €295 per attendee for IISF members.
Delivery Method: Instructor Led Online LIVE Training
Next Scheduled Dates: Click here
This course is delivered via an Online LIVE Training Platform, which allows delegates to do the training in real time from their own workplace or from their home, so there’s no need to travel. Classroom numbers are kept to a minimum. No more that 20 attendees can enrol.
Online LIVE is an integrated learning experience, using the internet to provide live, interactive lessons between an instructor and students. Although separated by geography, instructors and students share active discussions, practice labs, simultaneous document viewing, and virtual rooms for breakout groups. Remote students can interact fully with the instructor's lecture, presentations, and demonstrations. Students may ask questions at any time via chat or voice.
Benefits of Online Live:
- 6 Months Access to Course Recording – to review after the course to reinforce knowledge gained from the course
- Reduce travel costs and time.
- Live access to instructors with industry experience.
- Participation in a LIVE classroom environment.
- Attend the course from anywhere with internet access.
- Practice labs in a virtual environment for hands-on experience.
If you have any questions about these courses, please contact George Annan at or you can contact him via phone on (01)8898713. Please mention the IISF when contacting him to ensure you get the discount.

If you are interested in finding out more about the IISF, or would like to attend one of our Chapter Meetings as an invited guest, please contact the
IISF Secretary:
By email:
By post:
David Cahill
Information Security
GPO, 1-117
D01 F5P2
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