The DPC issued 19 finalised decisions resulting in administrative fines totalling €1.55 billion, including:
Dr Des Hogan, Chairperson, Commissioner for Data Protection commented:
“My fellow Commissioner, Dale Sunderland, and I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge with deep gratitude for Commissioner Helen Dixon’s stewardship of the Commission over the past ten years. Commissioner Dixon was the sole Commissioner for Data Protection during her tenure which concluded in early 2024. Thanks to her leadership, and the commitment and tireless work of the DPC’s staff, we find ourselves taking over a respected and outward looking regulator; one with the values of vindicating the rights of the individual through fair and proportionate regulation.”
Commissioner Dale Sunderland reflected on what was a landmark year:
“2023 was a busy year in personal data rights protection. The year saw a significant increase in complaints dealt with by the Data Protection Commission with record fines issued and corrective orders imposed following cross-border and national inquiries. Throughout 2023, the DPC sought to uphold the individual’s right to the protection of their personal data. This critical work was greatly supported by Data Protection Officers and data protection staff and teams in organisations across the public, private and voluntary sectors who play a critical role in championing data protection rights, acting as a critical friend to those organisations by keeping the compliance conversation front and centre.”
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